
Weekend Vibes: Dinner Party Style

group of hands holding forks and digging into birthday cake
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This weekend, we are hosting the crew for a dinner party. You aren’t alone if you are thinking: 

Where do I even begin? 

Isn’t there so much to prepare?

This feels stressful. 

We’re here to tell you that planning a dinner party can be easy and really fun – let us help. Try planning the dinner party around – you guessed it – your five senses to ensure you and your guests have the best time. 

Now for the best part, taste and touch. Eating can be an immersive sensory experience. We touched base with Lenka from Wandering Senses and asked her to share a dining experience that incorporated all five of her senses. Here’s what she had to say: 

It would definitely be the traditional Nepalese Dal Bhat. When I lived in Nepal two years ago, I got introduced to an entirely new food and dining culture. Back home in Slovakia, we eat many meals with naked hands- bread, pastries, and savory pancakes. But in Nepal, almost every meal is eaten with naked hands, and there is an interesting reason behind it. The people in Nepal believe that doing so deepens their relationship with food because you can indulge all five senses. First, you get to look at the vibrant meal on your plate, and then you dip your fingers to mix the Dal (Lentil Soup), curry, and Bhat (rice) to feel the texture. After that, you get to taste the deliciousness, along with experiencing a pleasant aroma. The Nepalese Dal Bhat is undoubtedly delicious to eat, but the experience of cooking it is what makes it special. You get to hear the sizzling sounds when spices like cumin seeds, dried red chilies, bay leaves, and cloves are cooked in heated mustard oil. The combined experience right from cooking to eating Dal Bhat makes all of my five senses happy. 

Craving more? Read the full interview here or head over to her blog

What will you be serving at your dinner party this weekend?

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Meet Lenka, Wandering Senses

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